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Look it up--第六届敬信杯教案 - 内容 - 上海市西南模范中学

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Look it up--第六届敬信杯教案

作者/来源:[暂无]    发布时间:2005-05-23

                                   Look it up


ClassClass 4, Grade 8          Teacher: Qianhaifeng (钱海峰)


Teaching aims:

1. To find and understand information given from encyclopaedias.

2. To develop students’ ability of listening comprehension

3. To develop students’ ability of observation, imagination and creation.


Teaching aids:

1.      PowerPoint

2.      Videos


Teaching procedure:

1. Pre-task preparation

  Warming-up : An English song


2. While-task procedure

1) Introduce new words and phrases by showing pictures, watching videos , giving examples and explaining meanings of them.

2) Listen to three recordings and answer questions about them respectively.

3) Read new words and phrases, then make sentences with them.


3. Post-task procedure

  Video-time: Watch videos about dinosaurs and Disney cartoons.



1. Retell the three articles.

2. Find more information about dinosaurs, Diogenes and Walt Disney

      in books, magazines, encyclopaedias, internet and so on.


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