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Body Language--第七届敬信杯教案 - 内容 - 上海市西南模范中学

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Body Language--第七届敬信杯教案

作者/来源:[暂无]    发布时间:2005-05-23

                   Title    Body Language

                SubjectEnglish      Class 4 ,Senior 2          TeacherLvmei

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn the main idea and function of body language through getting the general idea of the reading material: Body Language;

2. Learn some new words and expressions in the reading material;

3. Practise reading skills through using some reading skills in the material

Teaching Aids:

1. Oxford English textbook     2. multi-media software


A. Warming-up

1. (1) Look and say  What do they mean?

(2) Learn some new words in the picture

2. Play a game: Do it!

B. Reading Activities

  Pre-reading Activities

1.      Introduce the reading skill: Skimming & Scanning

2.      Finish the tasks according to the skills

(1)   Answer some simple questions

(2)   Find some new words in the reading material

  While-reading Activities

   1.Answer some comprehension questions

(1) Why was Simon very upset?

(2) In what ways do people communicate with each other?

(3) What is body language?

(4) Why do the customers prefer Debbie to Simon?

   2. More explanation of some words

  Post-reading Activities

1.Filling in the blanks

2. Work in pairs and have a discussion: Try to make “tips at interview”

C. Assignment:

Write a composition or make a poster about Body Language

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